
Lab Syllabus

This is a short and simplifed version of the official syllabus (created by Jamie). Here is the link the official one.



I would suggest noting down the email! If you ever need an extesion or miss a lab, you must contact them.

Grading Schemes

  • 16%   Pre-lab Assignments

  • 80%  Weekly Reports

  • 4%  Attendance


It is different from term 1. Now, attendance is mandatory. Don’t worry! I will figure something out for us soon!






Laboratory #

Pre-Lab #
Report Sheet #
Attendance of Lab #

11:59 PM Day before Lab #
11:59 PM Day before Lab #+1
Lab #



Pre-lab Assignments

  • Either a canvas quiz or a written assignment in the lab manual (usually first page).

  • Prelab must be submitted by 11:59 PM the night before your next scheduled lab.

Weekly Reports

  • Report must be submitted by 11:59PM the night befor eyour next scheduled lab through Canvas. So you have one week to do it!

  • Submitted work must be in one combined pdf file. Please don’t send zip files or HEIC files. I can’t open them on Canvas, sorry.

Missing a Lab

  • Any labs that were missed cannot be taken late. However, these circumstances are acceptable:

    • Medical reason with valid medical document (original copies).

    • Other very special cases.

  • Please email lab manager or me at least 3 days in advanced.


Please submit this form for lab missing and extension on report sheet/prelab.

Late Labs / Extensions

  • All assignments (pre-labs and weekly report sheets) have to be submitted by the due dates.

  • The penalty will be a 25% deduction for each calendar day late. 4 days late means 0 (really bad T-T)


If you are having issues that prevent you from writing your lab report, please email the lab manager or me as soon as possible. Maximum 3 extensions are given.

Academic Integrity

The academic enterprise is founded on honesty, civility, and integrity. As members of this enter-prise, all students are expected to know, understand, and follow the codes of conduct regarding academic integrity. At the most basic level, this means submitting only original work doneby you and acknowledging all sources of information or ideas and attributing themto others as required. This also means you should not cheat, copy, or mislead others about what is your work. You are encouraged to take measurements and discuss the experiments with your lab partners. However, you must do and submit your own work. Express ideas using your own words and mathematical expressions. Violations of academic integrity (i.e., misconduct) leadto the break down of the academic enterprise, and therefore serious consequences arise and harsh sanctions are imposed.


Just don’t cheat please! I trust you all!

Disability Services

UBC Okanagan is committed to providing access for students with disabilities while maintainingacademic standards. More information regarding disability services may be found at