Lab 6

Here are some stuffs for lab 6!


  • This lab is probably the easiest and shortest lab so far.

  • Only error calculations are the majority of the work.

  • It requires a look-up for mapping resistivity and material type.

  • Plotting is required for submission.

Part 1: Calculations

  • Let’s have a look at the setup first:


Fig. 24 Exmperimental setup

  • Your task is to collect values of \(V\), and \(I\) from the figures in lab manual.

  • There are 5 wires of increasing diameter of the same material corresponding to 5 figures. so, make sure to keep track on the figure label.

  • Next, you need to calculate other quantities such as:

\[R = \frac{V}{I}\ and\ \rho = \frac{RA}{L}\ (resistivity)\]


The lab uses \(V\) as a replacement for \(\Delta{V}\) as we assume \(V_0\) = 0. Instead, \(\Delta{V}\) represents its uncertainty.

Uncertainty Calculations

  • Now, the manual says there is a special error measurement for \(\Delta{V}\) and \(I\).


Error Specifications


0.5% of the reading plus 2 digits


1% of the reading plus 3 digits


Those ‘2’ and ‘3’ digits are added to the last decimal places. The number of decimal places depends on your references. For the lab, three are enough.

  • Let’s have an example. You have found \(V = 9.321 V\). So its error is:

\[\Delta{V} = (9.321 V) \times 0.005 + 0.002 = 0.049 V\]
  • Note that we add 0.002 because we choose to keep 3 decimal place.

Part 2: Plotting \(R\) vs \(A^{-1}\)

  • Once you have all data ready, extract the R and x columns for plotting.

  • Now, you have 2 choices:

    • Logger Pro: Same steps as lab 1-5.

    • Excel: Use Scatter Plot with column R and x.


Make sure to add errors in the graph for either method!

  • Here is a demo for you to follow:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

# Loading data set 
df = pd.read_csv("../../data/lab6.csv", delimiter=",")

# Setting for plot
sns.set_theme("notebook", style="darkgrid", font_scale=1.3)
sns.set_palette("husl", 5)
plot = sns.lmplot(x="x",
                  scatter_kws={'s':70, 'edgecolor':'w'})
plot.set_axis_labels(r"$A^{-1} (mm^{-2})$",r"$R (\Omega)$")"$R\ vs\ A^{-1}$")

# Now plot the error bar["x"], y=df["R"], xerr=df["x error"], yerr=df["R error"], fmt='none', capsize=4)

# Show plot


  • One question asks you to identify the wire material. This requires resistivity table to do the look-up.

  • Last question asks you to evaluate the relationship between R and \(A^{-1}\). Either use \(R^2\) (Excel) or Slope to justify your claim.


For resistivity, be careful as some metal is in form of liquid at room temperature!


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