Lab 1

Here you can find all stuffs related to Lab 1


For complete guide on the experiment, please read the lab manual on Canvas here.

In lab 1, you will only do analysis with pre-recorded videos. There are 7 videos in part 1 and 1 in part 2. So, remember 8 in total.

You have to extract information from the videos (i.e. period of motion) and conduct video analysis in LoggerPro(Part 1_4).

Part 1: Simple Harmonic Motion

Before we start, here is a table of some information needed to calculations.


\(0.011\pm{0.001} kg\)


\(0.174\pm{0.010} kg\)


\(1.019\pm{0.010} N/m\)


\(10.100\pm{0.185} N/m\)


\(\pm{0.02} s\)


Force probe is zeroed at the point of equilibrium for each case.

Section 1.1 - 1.3

  • Videos 1-6 are divided into 2 categories (weak and strong spring) with 3 different mass values in each -> Keep track on which spring is being used.

  • You only need to look at the Youtube videos and extract the motion period.

  • Then, calculate \(f = \frac{1}{T}\) and \(\omega = 2*\pi*f\).

  • Find period:

    • You need to use equation (2). \(T = \frac{\Delta{t}}{n}\), where n: #oscillations.

    • Choose a point on the graph that align with one of the axis ticks. Then choose another point at later time that the object returns to that exact value (i.e. y-value) and also aligns with a tick.

    • Record the different in time.

    • Count the number of oscillations between them. Basically, count the number of ticks including themselves - 1.

    • Here is an example:


Fig. 3 Same findings of oscillation period


Here my index goes from 0. So there is a total of 12 ticks.

Section 1.4

  • You have your video on Canvas. Download and insert into Logger Pro.

  • Set the scale to be from horizontal bar down to the table

  • Plot position vs time graph of the motion by specifying positions of the object (hanger + mass) in each frame.

  • When you are done, sketch the shape of graph into your report sheet.

  • Here is a demo for you to follow:


Fig. 4 Sketches of displacement and velocity plots


Hide the previous points to avoid cluster. And set the frame per second to 2.

Part 2: Damped Simple Harmonic Motion

  • Part 2 is similar to part 1.1-1.3. All you have to do is to extract the period to calculate angular frequency \(\omega\).

  • Then, we want to compare it to one of our trial in part 1.1 - 1.3: Hint: Look at the combined mass.


\(0.060\pm{0.010} kg\)

  • Below is the picture of the graph that you want to take the period from.


Fig. 5 Damped Oscillation Demo


Why can we do that? Basically, the system energy is lost (max y-value is smaller with time). However, your frequency is not affected. Thus, angular frequency \(\omega\) is not.

Data Collection and Analysis

  • Record your data in the table and derive \(\omega\) of different cases for part 1.1-1.3.

  • Sketch the shape of the graph for part 1.4.

  • Extract \(\omega_{damped}\) and compare to part 1.1-1.3.

  • Download Part 1.1_1.3 Excel Template


Please use the report template to write. If not, your report won’t be marked (not my decision tho - lab manager said so).

Discussion Questions

  • Question 1: It basically asks why we always start from a simple model (with so many assumptions) before paying attention to other potential errors (i.e.system error, human error)?

  • Question 2: Basically, energy transformation. Remember we are talking about undamped spring.
